阿羅頻多修道院實施Integral Education(整體教育),孩子從幼兒園到大學一直在Ashram School學習。以下是室利·阿羅頻多論教育的三原則:
The first principle of true teaching is that nothing can be taught. The teacher is not an instructor or task master,he is a helper and a guide. His business is to suggest and not to impose.He does not actually train the pupil’s mind,he only shows him how to perfect his instrume nts of knowledge and helps and encourages him in the process....
The second principle is that the mind has to be consulted in its own growth.The idea of hammering the child into the shape desired by the parent or teacher is a barbarous and ignorant superstition.It is he himself who must be induced to expand in accordance with his own nature....
The third principle of education is to work from the near to the far,from that which is to that which shall be....From that then we must begin.We must not take up the nature by the roots from the earth in which it must grow or surround the mind with images and ideas of a life which is alien to that which it must physically move.If anything has to be brought in from outside,it must be offered, not forced on the mind.A free and natural growth is the condition of genuine development.
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